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40 results
In the matter for Baby L
[2017] NICoroner 11 Mr McGurgan
GC's (a minor) by his Mother and next friend Application
[2017] NIQB 90 Keegan J
In the matter for Baby L
[2017] NICoroner 11 Mr McGurgan
Heaney (Bernadette) Sole Executrix of McEvoy (Grace) Deceased v McEvoy (Jacqueline) and McCartney (Michelle)
[2017] NICh 24 Horner J
O'Connor (John Joseph) v Greece
[2017] NIQB 88 Morgan LCJ
Riordan, Donal and Republic of Ireland
[2017] NIQB 103 Burgess J
Ferris (Brian) v Meyler (Christine) as Executrix of the Estate of Ferris (Joseph) Deceased, as Executrix of the Estate of Brigid Ferris (Deceased), Ferris (Joseph)
[2017] NICh 25 McBride J
McKernan (Gerard) & McKernan (Orla) v Gibson (Alasdair), Gibson (Jane) & McDonald (Francis Jason)
[2017] NIQB 86 Colton J
Wallace, Orla as Trustee in bankruptcy of Eamon Malone and Eamon Malone, Catherine Malone, Eimear Malone, Eadaoin Malone
[2017] NIMaster 8 Master Kelly
Kociolek (Marcin) v The Polish Judicial Authorities
[2017] NIQB 87 Deeny LJ
R v Robb (William)
[2017] NICA 59 Gillen LJ
Liggett's (Aimee) Application
[2017] NIQB 97 Maguire J
Quinn (Aidan) and Donnelly (John) v Hanna (Kevin) as next friend of Anastasia Donnelly
[2017] NIMaster 6 Master Hardstaff
R v McMahon (Darren Joseph)
[2017] NICA 58 Stephens LJ
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses application to force Sunday World to disclose source
Summary of judgment - Court dismisses application to force Sunday World to disclose source Stephens LJ
JR 78's Application
[2017] NIQB 93 Deeny LJ
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Mairead McCallion
[2017] NICoroner 6 Mr McGurgan
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Mairead McCallion
[2017] NICoroner 6 Mr McGurgan