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38 results
- Date 2015 Selected filter: remove filter 2015
- Judicial officer Morgan LCJ Selected filter: remove filter Morgan LCJ
Morgan’s (Barry) Application
[2015] NIQB 105 Morgan LCJ
McDonnell’s (Elizabeth) Application
[2015] NICA 72 Morgan LCJ
Queen v William Ernest Coulter
[2015] NICA 73 Morgan LCJ
Practice Direction 02/2015 - Target times for cases in the Crown Court
Practice Direction 02/2015 - Target times for cases in the Crown Court Morgan LCJ
R v Brian Mongan
[2015] NICA 65 Morgan LCJ
R v Brian Mongan
2015 NICA 65 Morgan LCJ
R v Myles Christopher O’Hagan
[2015] NICA 63 Morgan LCJ
R v Sean Francis, Francis Taggart, Mary Bernadette Ferguson
[2015] NICA 60 Morgan LCJ
Jordan’s (Hugh) Applications - Delay and Damages
[2015] NICA 66 Morgan LCJ
R v Raymond Brownlee (Sentencing)
[2015] NICA 58 Morgan LCJ
R v Raymond Brownlee (Sentencing)
2015 NICA 58 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Sean Hackett
[2015] NICA 57 Morgan LCJ
R v Sean Hackett
2015 NICA 57 Morgan LCJ
R v Gerard Kevin Hughes, Gavin Martin Hughes and Joseph Christopher Hughes; Director of Public Prosecution’s Reference (Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2015)
[2015] NICA 53 Morgan LCJ
R v Hughes, Hughes and Hughes. (DPP References 1,2,3 and 4 of 2015)
2015 NICA 53 Morgan LCJ
Morgan’s (Barry) Application
[2015] NIQB 60 Morgan LCJ
R v Karen Walsh
[2015] NICA 46 Morgan LCJ
R v Henry Martin Joseph Creaney
[2015] NICA 43 Morgan LCJ