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332 results
In the matter of an application for judicial review and in the matter of decisions of the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trust for Northern Ireland
[2014] NIQB 49 Treacy J
Queen v Ivan McDowell (Hearsay Ruling)
[2014] NICC 17 Maguire J
Queen v Frank Simpson Daly (Hearsay Ruling)
[2014] NICC 16
Queen v John Thompson (Hearsay Ruling)
[2014] NICC 18 Maguire J
Headley (Andrea) v Southern Cross Health Care and others
[2014] NICA 34 Morgan LCJ
R v Seales (Jimmy) & Ors
[2014] NICC 11 Weir J
Northern Ireland Housing Executive v Combined Facilities Management
[2014] NIQB 75 Weatherup J
R v McCartney, McCartney and Neimontas
[2014] NICty 5 His Honour Judge Lynch KC
Deman (Suresh) v Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment Tribunal and others and Northern Ireland Equality Commission and others
[2014] NICA 30 Morgan LCJ
Mooney’s (Christopher) Application
[2014] NIQB 48 Coghlin LJ
Kingsberry’s (Colin) Application
[2014] NIQB 45 Treacy J
Northern Bank Limited trading as Danske Bank v John Taylor and Stephen Donnelly trading as the Taylor Gallery
[2014] NICh 9 Horner J
Cowan (Lester) v John Lewis t/as Plant Hire and Contracts and J Graham Dromore Limited and Northern Ireland Water Limited
[2014] NIQB 47 Gillen J
HM’s Application
[2014] NIQB 43 Treacy J
A Health and Social Care Trust v M and A and L
[2014] NIFam 3 O'Hara J
O’Boyle (Eugene Martin) v The Public Prosecution Service
[2014] NICA 31 Coghlin LJ
R v Walsh (John Christopher)
[2014] NICA 52 Morgan LCJ
CA v Public Prosecution Service (No 2)
[2014] NIQB 44 Morgan LCJ