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37 results
McLean’s (Jamie Lee) Applications
[2014] NIQB 33 Stephens J
Mihail (Andreas) v Lloyds Banking Group
[2014] NICA 24 Coghlin LJ
Doherty’s (John) Application
[2014] NIQB 30 Treacy J
Fulton (Colin) v Sunday Newspapers Limited
[2014] NIQB 35 Gillen J
McAuley’s (Robert) Application
[2014] NIQB 31 Morgan LCJ
River Faughan Anglers Limited’s Application
[2014] NIQB 34 Treacy J
David Fagan (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 6234079-2 Mr Farrelly
Official Receiver for Northern Ireland v Snodden (Stephen) (otherwise Snodden) and McShane (Monica Frances)
[2014] NIMaster 5 Master Kelly
Public Prosecution Services’ Application
[2014] NIQB 29 Morgan LCJ
G Madill (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 28/13 Mr Flanigan
McLean Bookmakers and North West Bookmakers’ Applications
[2014] NIQB 32 Treacy J
Law Society of Northern Ireland v The Governor and the Company of The Bank Of Ireland
[2014] NIQB 51 O'Hara J
McMurray v NIHE
R/37/2011 (Part 2) Mr Spence
McVeigh's Application
[2014] NICA 23 Girvan LJ
Queen v Stephen Boyd
[2014] NICA 22 Morgan LCJ