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26 results
Queen v Ryan Leslie
[2011] NICC 13 Stephens J
Brookview Developments Limited v David Ferguson and Associates and Brian Speers, Jonathan Hewitt, Michael Boyd And Audrey Acheson Practising as Carnson Morrow Graham, Solicitors
[2011] NIQB 37 Weatherup J
Belfast International Airport Ltd’s Application (Leave Stage) and Belfast City Airport Watch Ltd’s Application (Leave Stage)
[2011] NIQB 34 McCloskey J
Olchov’s (Dimitrijs) Application (Leave Stage)
[2011] NIQB 31 Treacy J
Board of Governors of Loreto Grammar School’s Application
[2011] NIQB 30 McCloskey J
Trustees of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland v Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Northern Ireland
[2011] NICh 4 Deeny J
Kirk Session of Sandown Free Presbyterian Church’s Application
[2011] NIQB 26 Treacy J
Laurence Rush (On His Own Account and As Personal Representative of Elizabeth Imelda Rush) Deceased v Police Service of Northern Ireland and The Secretary Of State For Northern Ireland
[2011] NIQB 28 Gillen J
Queen v Hazel Stewart
[2011] NICC 10 Hart J
Queen v Kernohan (Darren Ivan)
[2011] NICC 11 Hart J
Fulford Hyman Limited (In Liquidation) Formerly Sere Group Limited and Sere Properties Limited v Ivan Beattie and Des Rankin Trading as S Rankin & Company
[2011] NIQB 29 Weatherup J
Monteith's (John) application (leave stage)
[2011] NIQB 18 McCloskey J
Financial Services Authority and Etic Solutions Limited
[2011] NICh 5 Deeny J
Hayes (Alistair Nigel) v McGuigan (Marlyn Jean Elizabeth), McGuigan (Thomas John Bertram), McGuigan (Gabriel Noel Lockhart), Clarke (Wendy Miranda Marina), McGinley (Wendy Miranda Marina) and McGuigan (Thomas James)
[2011] NICh 6 Deeny J
Walsh’s (John Christopher) Application (Leave Stage)
[2011] NIQB 27 Weatherup J
L (Relocation application)
[2011] NIFam 5 Stephens J
AIB Group and McElroy
[2011] NICh 8 Deeny J
Brian F Walker, Trustee In Bankruptcy of Michael Gerald Mckay and Gerard Joseph Dalrymple v First Trust Bank
[2011] NICh 14 Deeny J