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312 results
[2010] NIFam 11 Weir J
Queen v Kearns (Desmond Paul), McCaugherty (Paul Anthony John) and Gregory (Dermot Declan) aka Michael Dermot Gregory
[2010] NICC 32 Hart J
Donaldson's Application (Richard Alexander)
[2010] NIQB 144 Treacy J
Smyth (Thomas James) v Diamond (Lawerence); Phillips (Neville) v Ritchie (Elsie); Torrens (Henry James) v Tally (Majella); McCabe (Kathleen Teresa) v Moffett (Richard)
[2010] NIQB 74 McCloskey J
Central Craigavon Limited’s Application
[2010] NIQB 73 Morgan LCJ
Shanghai Tycoon Co Ltd and Orient International Holdings (HK) v Dynes (Gerard) trading as Clonmore Plant Sales
[2010] NIQB 76 Weatherup J
Queen v Martin (Justin John)
[2010] NICA 26 Morgan LCJ
Young (William James) and Young (Roberta Ann) v Hamilton (Andrew Sydney) and others
[2010] NICh 11 Treacy J
Queen v Quinn (Aiden)
[2010] NICC 27 His Honour Judge Grant
Queen v Clarke (Michael Patrick) and McStravick (Stephen Paul) - Sentencing judgment
[2010] NICC 21 McCloskey J
S v S
[2010] NIMaster 7
Sayers v Commissioner of Valuation
VT/1/2010 Mr Curry
Cathain (Caoimhin Mac Giolla) v The Northern Ireland Court Service
[2010] NICA 24 Girvan LJ
Chaos (Jose Ignacio de Juana) v Kingdom of Spain
[2010] NIQB 68 McCloskey J
Odyssey Cinemas Ltd v Village Theatres Three Ltd and Sheridan Millennium Ltd
[2010] NICA 25 Girvan LJ
Practice Direction 06/2010 - SANTANDER UK plc (formerly trading as ALLIANCE AND LEICESTER plc)
Practice Direction 06/2010 - SANTANDER UK plc (formerly trading as ALLIANCE AND LEICESTER plc) Morgan LCJ
Queen v Corrigan (Thomas)
[2010] NICA 23 Morgan LCJ
Queen v DPMC and DJW
[2010] NICA 22 Coghlin J