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289 results
Re Jakub and Dawid (Brussels II Revised: Recognition and enforcement of foreign order)
[2009] NIFam 23 Stephens J
Boswell’s Application
[2009] NIQB 95 Weatherup J
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children’s Application
[2009] NIQB 92 Girvan LJ
McDonnell (Gerard) trading as Microclean Environmental v Adair (Dawson)
[2009] NIQB 93 McCloskey J
Queen v McDonnell (Martin Thomas)
[2009] NICC 74 His Honour Judge Miller KC
McIlwaine’s (Stephen) Application
[2009] NIQB 91 Coghlin LJ
JR29’s Application (Leave Stage)
[2009] NIQB 97 Weatherup J
Black & Clements’ Application
[2009] NIQB 94 Weatherup J
Attorney General's Reference (Nos 10 and 11 of 2009) WIlliam Vokes and Gary Vokes
[2009] NICA 63 Morgan LCJ
Re Glenn (Residence order application)
[2009] NIFam 24 Stephens J
KW (a minor), by LW, his sister and next friend [and Four Others] v Bolton (Kenneth) and DW
[2009] NIQB 89 McCloskey J
Arteaga (Arturo Villanueva) v Kingdom of Spain
[2009] NICty 7 Burgess J
Anderson Haulage Limited’s Application
[2009] NIQB 90 Weatherup J
McK v McK
[2009] NIMaster 76 Master Redpath
A on behalf of AD v C (Executor of the estate of D)
[2009] NICh 10 Deeny J
Queen v Smyth (Martin)
[2009] NICA 54 Girvan LJ
Queen v West (Anthony)
[2009] NICA 53 Girvan LJ
McComb (Rodney) & Others v Rogan (Alec) and Allen (Ben Thomas)
[2009] NIQB 88 McCloskey J