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326 results
Lavery's (Mary) Application
[2008] NIQB 18 Weatherup J
In the matter of an application for Judicial Review by Trevor Purcell
[2008] NICA 11 Kerr LCJ
Re C, McD and McG minors (Statement of special educational needs; provision of speech and language therapy)
[2008] NIQB 16 Morgan J
In the matter of an application by C, A, W, M and McE for Judicial Review
[2008] NIQB 17 Kerr LCJ
McCafferty's application (Terence Damien)
[2008] NIQB 96 Girvan J
Kenneth Callaghan v Independent News & Media Limited
[2008] NIQB 15 Stephens J
In the matter of an application by IM for Judicial Review
[2008] NIQB 14 Stephens J
Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland v Mark Sean O'Donnell
[2008] NICA 9 Campbell LJ
Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland v Thomas O'Donovan
[2008] NICA 8 Morgan J
Queen v Patrick Francis Joseph McDonagh
[2008] NICA 6 Campbell LJ
Queen v Matthew James O'Donnell
[2008] NICC 3 Hart J
In the matter of an application for Judicial Review by Belfast City Council
[2008] NIQB 13 Kerr LCJ
Brangam's Application (Heather Mildred) (Leave stage)
[2008] NIQB 11 Gillen J
In the matter of an application by Oleg Fedorovski for Judicial Review and in the matter of the decision of the Ministry of State and the Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2008] NICA 21 Kerr LCJ
Queen v Richard David McCartan and Barry David Skinner
[2008] NICA 5 Kerr LCJ
NR v AF: Re DAF (Prohibited steps and contact; non-attendance at hearing)
[2008] NIFam 3 Morgan J
Neeson (Rose) v Alan Acheson
[2008] NIQB 12 Morgan J
In the matter of an application by Kathleen Porter for Judicial Review
[2008] NIQB 10 Stephens J