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227 results
R v Magill and Another
[2006] NICC 28 Deeny J
R v Magill and Another
[2006] NICC 29 Deeny J
Practice Direction 06/2006 - Direction by the Lord Chief Justice under Section 115 of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978
Practice Direction 06/2006 - Direction by the Lord Chief Justice under Section 115 of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978 Kerr LCJ
R v McK
[2006] NICC 23 Her Honour Judge Smyth
SIE Limited v University of Ulster and University of Ulster Research Parks (UUSRP) and UUTech Limited and Chris Barnett
[2006] NIQB 64 Mr Smith
In the matter of an application by Graeme Drummond for Judicial Review and In the matter of a decision of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland taken on 25 October 2004 refusing an appeal against a revocation of a firearm certificate
[2009] NIQB 69 Girvan J
In the matter of an application for leave to apply for Judicial Review by Noel McCready and in the matter decisions taken by the Sentence Review Commissioners
[2006] NIQB 60 Morgan J
Attorney General's Reference (No.3 of 2006) Michael John Gilbert
[2006] NICA 36 Kerr LCJ
Application by John Neill Bell Gordon for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 63 Weatherup J
R v Michael John Gilbert (AG Ref No 3 of 2006)
[2006] NICA 36 Kerr LCJ
Graham's (Mary) Application
[2006] NIQB 62 Weatherup J
Application by Patrick McAllister for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 58 Weatherup J
Application by Ciaran James Cunningham for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 59 Weatherup J
Application by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 57 Weatherup J
R v Bothwell
[2006] NICA 35 Kerr LCJ
Application by Nwachukwu Henry Alinta for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 61 Weatherup J
Elvitt John Welsh v Ministry of Defence
[2006] NIQB 55 Deeny J
Richard Boyd v Capper Trading Limited and Kronospan Limited
[2006] NIQB 54 Hart J