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201 results
Queen v Neil Gordon Graham
[2004] NICA 40 Kerr LCJ
R v Clive Moore
[2004] NILST 18 Kerr LCJ
Bates and Another's Application
[2004] NIQB 84 Deeny J
In the matter of an application by Lorraine McHugh for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 91 Kerr LCJ
E.A Baird (Newtownards) Limited v National Appeal Panel
[2004] NIQB 92 Higgins J
In the matter of J and S (Supervision Order or Care Order)
[2004] NIFam 10 Gillen J
In the matter of an application by J David Nagra for Judicial Review
[2004] NICA 36 Kerr LCJ
Donnelly (Tony and Frances) v Jimmy Doyle
[2004] NIQB 66
Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v The Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
[2004] NICA 39 Nicholson LJ
Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v The Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety and SPUC NI, Archbishop Sean Brady and the Northern Bishops, Precious Life, Life (NI)
[2004] NICA 37 Shiel LJ
Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v The Minister For Health, Social Services and Public Safety and Spuc NI, Archbishop Sean Brady and the Northern Ireland Bishops, Precious Life, Life (NI)
[2004] NICA 38 Campbell LJ
In the Matter of an application by N (a minor) by C his father and next friend for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 65 Gillen J
E on behalf of S (a minor) Application
[2004] NIQB 64 Girvan J
Don Mullan v Ruth Dudley Edwards and The Daily Mail/Associated Newspapers Limited
[2004] NIQB 83 Deeny J
In the matter of an application by J L-P
[2004] NI~CA 35 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an application by Marie Louise Thompson for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 62 Girvan J
In the matter of an application by John Boyle for Judicial Review of the Decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions
[2004] NIQB 63 Girvan J
Conor Gerard Doyle, Attorney General's Reference No 6 of 2004 (AG Ref 16 of 2004)
[2004] NICA 33 Kerr LCJ