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189 results
Armagh Down Creameries Limited v Harry Bell
[2003] NIQb 66 Coghlin J
Patrick Daniel Payne and William Cooke v Ulster Bank Limited
[2003] NIQB 67 Coghlin J
G and G and J
[2003] NIfam 19 Gillen J
NIIB Group Limited v Colin Ellis
[2003] NIQB 65 Weatherup J
Re Anthony Quinn: A Bankrupt
[2003] NICh 9 Campbell LJ
In the matter of L1 and L2 [Care Proceedings: Criminal Trial]
[2003] NIFam 12 Gillen J
Conail Liam McGinn v Oliver J Kelly practising as Oliver J Kelly and Co. Solicitors
[2003] NICh 8 Girvan J
R v William Desmond Gallagher
[2003] NICC 16 Hart J
Richard Herbert Crowe - Attorney General's Reference (No 5 of 2003)
[2003] NICA 38 Carswell LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (No. 10 of 2003) (Jamie Clarke)
[2003] NICA 39 Carswell LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (No. 5 of 2003) (Richard Herbert Crowe)
[2003] NICA 38 Carswell LCJ
Patricia Ann Jones v Friends' Provident Life Office
[2003] NICA 36 (1) Carswell LCJ
Patricia Ann Jones v Friends' Provident Life Office
[2003] NICA 36 (2) Carswell LCJ
In the matter of an application by Martin Meehan for Judicial Review
[2003] NICA 34 Carswell LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (No. 12 of 2003) (James Sloan)
[2003] NICA 35 Carswell LCJ
Sheridan Millennium Limited v Odyssey Property Company
[2003] NICh 7 Girvan J
R v Thomas Noel Abernethy
[2003] NICC 14 Nicholson LJ
R v Reilly and R Hogg & Sons Limited
[2003] NICC 15 McCollum LJ