King v BN
Assault occasioning actual bodily harm – attempting to choke with intent to commit an indictable offence (rape) – attempted rape – domestic violence – non-fatal strangulation
[2023] NICC 5 His Honour Judge Rafferty KCSearch decision and choose filters to show only the results you want
Assault occasioning actual bodily harm – attempting to choke with intent to commit an indictable offence (rape) – attempted rape – domestic violence – non-fatal strangulation
[2023] NICC 5 His Honour Judge Rafferty KC
Guidance provided on sentencing for two equally serious offences on a concurrent basis applying the totality principle - GBH with intent – sexual assault by penetration of a 12 day old baby – sentence of 19 years imprisonment plus an extended period five years - whether manifestly excessive – starting point – dangerousness - culpability and harm high – whether premeditation – no mitigation save for guilty pleas – sentence not manifestly excessive – exceptional circumstances – appellant provided no explanation or offered remorse – appeal dismissed.
[2022] NICA 69 Keegan LCJ
actual bodily harm – stabbing with nail scissors – whether sentence manifestly excessive and/or wrong – whether level of culpability unsupported by basis of plea – finding of dangerous – whether VOPO necessary – terms of extended custodial sentence licence – right to a fair trial – burden of proof on prosecution in sentencing process – compilation of pre-sentence reports – duties owed by counsel to sentencing court – emphasis on the importance of the accuracy of the basis of plea document – court adopted the principles in R v Cairns [2013] EWCA Crim 467 - appeal allowed.
[2022] NICA62 Fowler J , McBride J , McCloskey LJ
unlawfully displaying force and making an affray - grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon – whether starting point too high - 33 previous criminal convictions in Republic of Ireland - medium likelihood of reoffending - knife – whether starting point of nine years is excessive - judge may have incorrectly described it as a starting point - significant aggravating factors - duration of incident limited - sentence not manifestly excessive – appeal dismissed
[2022] NICA 9 McFarland J
guidance in relation to sentencing in cases involving multiple incidents of domestic violence - Using motor vehicle without insurance, Assault occasioning actual bodily harm, Common assault, Attempted criminal damage, Possession of an offensive weapon - other convictions and caution for common assault against mother and partner - pending prosecutions in Republic of Ireland - consideration of aggravating and mitigating factors together to reach starting point prior to discount for plea - overall not manifestly excessive - appeal dismissed.
[2022] NICA 12 Keegan LCJ
renewed application for leave to appeal a determinate custodial sentence - Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm – strangulation - starting point - discount for the plea - whether discount should have been applied because of the Covid pandemic – appeal dismissed
[2020] NICA 62 Morgan LCJ
Common assault contrary to s. 47 OAPA 1861 & assault and false imprisonment contrary to common law – guidance on the sentencing approach to violent offences when particularly in a domestic violence where strangulation (‘ a substantial aggravating factor’) is a feature.
[2020] NICA 25 Stephens LJ
Sentencing for multiple terrorist offences, including murder and attempted murder – guilty pleas – offender assisting police pursuant to ss. 73-75 SOCPA 2005 – whether discount appropriate – guidance given on the approach to be taken to ‘the SOCPA discount’.
[2020] NICA 22 Morgan LCJ
appeal against determinate sentence of 13½ years with extended licence period of 3 years – s. 18 GBH with intent to a 2 year old child – violent punch to head – significant brain injury and right-sided hemiplegia – wheelchair bound and visually impaired – sentence not manifestly excessive – appeal dismissed – McAuley and Seaward distinguished – court underlined vulnerability of very young children
[2018] NICA 2 Morgan LCJ
Appeal against sentence - AOABH contrary to s. 47 OAPA 1861 - 4 year sentence (2 in custody and 2 on licence) - whether starting point excessive - whether route to sentence unconventional/at risk of double counting - whether sufficient discount for plea - whether sufficient weight given to indicators of positive change - whether failure to take adequate account of fact that offence could have been prosecuted summarily - Appeal allowed - appellant pregnant - 'significant factors' meant a 2 year probation order would be substituted.
[2016] NICA 59 Weir LJ
Appeal against sentence - historic sexual abuse - discretionary life sentence - whether necessary to make finding of unstable character - whether offences sufficiently grave - whether likely future offending must be sex offences - whether alternative protective sentence could be imposed - appeal dismissed.
[2016] NICA 21 Weatherup LJ
Wounding with intent to commit GBH (ECS 9 plus 3) threats to kill (9 plus 1 concurrent) – both lower harm and lower culpability required for lower starting point in s.18 OAPA 1861 offence – McAuley and Seaward guideline clarified – however sentencing court’s starting point here of 11yrs. was too high in a case of low harm – 9 yr. custodial element reduced to 7 – dangerousness finding approved and 3 yr. extension left undisturbed.
2015 NICA 65 Morgan LCJ
Wounding with intent X2; common assault X2; and false imprisonment – domestic violence – culpability high but degree of harm low – ECS of 6 plus 4 for each wounding – court underlined need to identify domestic setting as aggravating feature – dangerousness considered – delay between conviction and sentence held to be breach of Article 6 but aggravation outweighed this – appeal refused.
2015 NICA 58 Morgan LCJ
AOABH contrary to s. 47 OAPA 1861 and common assault (co-def. aiding and abetting) – shaving victim’s hair and eyebrows while she was in alcohol induced stupor – done over two nights – striking her on the face – filming/photographing the offending – 5 year ECS manifestly excessive and replaced with determinate 4 year sentence.
2015 NICA 40 Coghlin LJ
Multiple counts of cruelty/neglect/assault on and gross indecency with the female offender’s children – necessity to protect children/deter those who might cause them injury – cases of repeated actions more serious than single incident – combination of consecutive/concurrent sentences – regard to totality principle which can be arrived at by different routes – no error in sentencing detected – appeal refused.
[2014] NICA 71 Girvan LJ
Reference by DPP - attempted grievous bodily harm with intent – gratuitous violence by young males 2 of the 3 still children – s. 53 Justice (NI) Act 2002, Art. 45(2) Criminal Justice (Children) (NI) Order 1998 and Beijing Rules all considered - sentences substituted.
[2013] NICA 38 Morgan LCJ
Appeal against 3 year sentence for 48 offences (incl. firearms offences) committed from 1992 to 2007 - member of loyalist paramilitary organisation - whether there should be discount for mitigating circumstances in applicant’s personal life - whether custodial sentences should have been suspended – appeal dismissed – specific guidance on the sentencing of defendants who have assisted the Police (ss. 73-76 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005) annexed to judgment.
[2013] NICA 8 Morgan LCJ
Common assault contrary to Section 47 of OAPA 1861 – domestic violence – 7 aggravating features – offence triable summarily – sentence to be in proportion to what magistrates’ court would have done – magistrates’ courts guidelines approved.
[2011] NICA 64 Morgan LCJ
Common assault contrary to Section 47 of OAPA 1861 – modest level of physical violence – offence triable summarily – whether sentence out of all proportion to what the magistrate would have done.
[2011] NICA 42 Morgan LCJ
Section 18 OAPA 1861 - infliction of wanton violence by young males - kicking victim while on the ground - consideration of recent Sentencing Council (E&W) Consultation.
[2010] NICA 36 Morgan LCJ