387 results
W v C (In the matter of L (a child))
[2014] NIFam 16 O'Hara J
J v G (In the matter of Q (a child))
[2014] NIFam 15 O'Hara J
Belford v Glass
[2014] NIQB 134 Morgan LCJ
Purcell Bros Limited v The owners/demise charterers and all persons claiming to be interested in the Motor Vessell Star Viking
[2014] NIQB 137 Weatherup J
Magee’s (Michael Gerard) Application
[2014] NIQB 142 Gillen LJ
McCaughey (Stacey) v Brian Mullan
[2014] NIQB 132 O'Hara J
Keenan (Brian) v Damian Curran
[2014] NICty 7 Her Honour Judge McReynolds
R v Simpson (Michael)
[2014] NICA 79 Coghlin LJ
Queen v Michael Simpson
[2014] NIQB 83 Coghlin LJ
R v Michael Simpson
Possession of indecent child images contrary to Article 3 of the Protection of Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 – SOPO made under s.104 Sexual Offences Act 2003 – whether SOPO terms oppressive/disproportionate.
[2014] NICA 83 Coghlin LJ
Practice Direction 07/14 - Expert’s Declaration
Practice Direction 07/14 - Expert’s Declaration Morgan LCJ
R v McClenaghan (Fred)
[2014] NICC 22 Treacy J
Gracey (Damien Patrick Matthew) and Sean Paul Fitzsimmons' Applications (Leave Stage)
[22014] NIQB 131 Coghlin LJ
Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents’ Association’s Application
[2014] NIQB 130 Horner J
Stanley Weatherup (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 38/13 Mr O'Connor
R v Toland
[2014] NICC 21 Weir J
HEM v The State Attorney’s Office, Dusseldorf, Germany
[2014] NIQB 144 Girvan LJ
Trevor & Julie Smyth (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland
NIVT 33/13 Mr Flanigan