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7492 results
In the matter if AK (Inherent Jurisdiction: Patient: Move to residential care: Contact)
[2021] NIFam 9 Keegan J
KPR Mechanical Limited and Kevin Watson Group Limited and Kevin Watson Construction Limited
[2021] NIQB 34 Humphreys J
The Presbyterian Mutual Society LTD (In a scheme of arrangement) Acting by Paula Watson and John Hansen in their capacity as joint supervisors of the scheme of arrangement and Walter Dodds
[2021] NICh 2 McBride J
Marie McCue v The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
5/18 Mr Hanna
Summary of findings - Gerard McMahon
Summary of findings - Gerard McMahon
R v Luke Walls
[2021] NICA 19 McCloskey LJ
McDowell (William Denis) and Helen Hawe
[2021] NICh 24 McBride J
Monika Milczarek (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 41/18 Mr Gibson
WGS Greens Energy's Application
[2021] NIQB 35 Mr Larkin KC sitting as HCJ
McKeever (Patrick) and Simon Redmond
[2021] NIQB 30 Humphreys J
Patrick Wilson and personal representative of John Marcus Stratford and Samuel Stanley McFarlane as representative of the Masonic Orphans Welfare Committee and the Attorney General for NI
[2021] NICh 3 McBride J
Moon's (Mervyn) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 26 Colton J
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of Tom (A child: article 15 Brussels IIa transfer to the Republic of Ireland
[2021] NIFam 7 Keegan J
Inquest into the death of Gerard McMahon
[2021] NICoroner 4 Mr McCrisken
Clarke (Rhonda) and Joe McEvoy
[2021] NIQB 28 Scoffield J
Karen McKibbin and UK Insurance Limited
[2021] NIQB 27 Scoffield J
Joby Fox (RFTA) v Charity Commission
2/19 Mr McMahon
JR103's Application and in the matter of a decision of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2021] NIQB 25 Colton J