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7492 results
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages to estate of women shot during Bloody Sunday
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages to estate of women shot during Bloody Sunday
Anthone Deery as personal representative of the estate of Margaret Deery (Deceased) and Ministry of Defence
[2021] NIQB 131 McAlinden J
McGeown Logistics Limited's Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 40 Rooney J
JD Sports Fashion plc v Central Craigavon Ltd
BT/16/2019 (Part 2) Mr Spence
Ulster Bank Limited and National Westminster Bank plc
[2021] NIQB 38 McFarland J
Inquest into the death of Andrew Quigley
[2021] NICoroner 5 Mrs Toal
A Health and Social Care Trust and A mother and in the matter (A Child) (Article 15 Brussels IIa)
[2021] NIFam 10
Mahmud's (Omar) Application
[2021] NIQB 37
Jonah Horne v United States of America (No. 2)
[2021] NIQB 36 McCloskey LJ
AMB v Disclosure & Barring Service
DBS/3/2020 Ms O'Reilly
Ernest Graham and Matthew Graham and Karen Graham
2021 NICA 25 McCloskey LJ
Summary of Judgment - R v Owen Workman
Summary of Judgment - R v Owen Workman
Summary of Judgment - R v John Grace
Summary of Judgment - R v John Grace
Queen v John Hamilton Grace
[2021] NICA 21
Queen v Owen Workman
[2021] NICA 20 Morgan LCJ
Dusecivius (Gintaris) and Viktoras Michilovas and The Republic of Lithuania
[2021] NIQB 42 McCloskey LJ
Portinode Environmental Limited Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
[2021] NIQB 31
Rural Integrity's (Lisburn 03) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
[2021] NIQB 32 Scoffield J