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7492 results
Ulster Bank Ireland DAC and Liam McGavigan
[2021] NICh 8 Humphreys J
Queen v IA
[2021] NICA 48 Maguire LJ
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages of £125k to Arlene Foster for Defamatory Tweet
Summary of judgment - Court awards damages of £125k to Arlene Foster for Defamatory Tweet
Arlene Foster and Christian Jessen
[2021] NIQB 56 McAlinden J
Ian J Ross & Governors of Methodist College Belfast v Gary Ennis & Christine I Ennis and Hugh Simpson
R/16/2020 Mr Spence
Queen v Shakir Ullah
[2021] NICA 33 Morgan LCJ
A Health and Social Care Trust and B and The Official Solicitor to the Court of Judicature in Northern Ireland
[2021] NIFam 17 Keegan J
JR141's application for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision to dispute the age of the applicant and in the matter of a request under article 34 of regulation (EU) No. 604/2013 to obtain information and personal date relating to the applicant and subsequent retention and proposed use of that data
[2021] NIQB 57 Colton J
Beatty's (Rosaleen) Application
[2021] NIQB 54 McFarland J
Frizzell's (Patrick) Application for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 53 McFarland J
(1) Ciaran MacAirt (2) Niall O'Murchu (3) Joanne Kinnear (4) Rosie Kinnear (5) Stuart Magee and (6) Lesley Veronica and (1) JPI Media NI Limited (2) JPI Media Publishing Limited and (3) Adam Kula
[2021] NIQB 52 Scoffield J
Wahab's (Abdul) Application
[2021] NIQB 55 Rooney J
Michailovas, Viktoras and The Republic of Lithuania
[2021] NIQB 60 McCloskey LJ
In the matter of an application by JR111 for Judicial Review (Ruling on Remedy)
[2021] NIQB 130 Scoffield J
Axa Insurance DAC and Bells of Crossgar Accident Repair Centre Limited
[2021] NICh 7 Humphreys J
Kozubikova's (Klara) Appication
[2021] NIQB 51 Colton J
Practice Direction 01/2021 - Revocation of Obsolete Practice Directions
Practice Direction 01/2021 - Revocation of Obsolete Practice Directions
JR111 Application for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 48 Scoffield J