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7490 results
Mackey (Gerard) Trading as MDS Contracts and Brian Hughes and Ann-Maris Hughes
[2021] NICh 20 McBride J
Hartlands (NI) Limited's Application
[2021] NIQB 94 Scoffield J
JR184's Application for Judicial Review and In the matter of a decision of the Home Office
[2021] NIQB 98 Ms Quinlivan KC sitting as HCJ
Hampton Homes (NI) Ltd
R/5/2021 Mr Spence
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of TH (A make child ages 1 year and 9 months)
[2021] NIFam 44 His Honour Judge McFarland
JR123 Application for Judicial Review
[2021] NIQB 97 Colton J
Summary of Judgment - In re JR 123
Summary of Judgment - In re JR 123
Summary of Judgment - Magee v Chief Constable
Summary of Judgment - Magee v Chief Constable
Magee, Patrick and Chief Constable of The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2021] NICA 59 Sir Morgan
Trustees of Movilla Gospel Hall v Violet Hill
R/1/2021 Mr Spence
Summary of Judgment - In re JR 148
Summary of Judgment - In re JR 148
JR 148's Application
[2021] NIQB 95 Colton J
Practice Direction 03/2021 - Consolidated Probate practice Direction (2021)
Practice Direction 03/2021 - Consolidated Probate practice Direction (2021)
Queen v William Hutchison
[2021] NICC 7 His Honour Judge Miller KC
OV (A minor proceeding by his Mother and Next Friend BV) and The Board of Governors of The Abbey CBS and The Education Authority
[2021] NICA 58 Keegan LCJ
ABO Wind NI Limited and Energia Renewables Company 1 Limited's Application
[2021] NIQB 96 Humphreys J
Pre-Action Protocol for Possession Proceedings Based on Mortgage Arrears in Respect of Residential Property
Pre-Action Protocol for Possession Proceedings Based on Mortgage Arrears in Respect of Residential Property
M4 v The Coroner's Service for Northern Ireland
[2021] NIQB 132 McAlinden J