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7492 results
Williams's (Darren) Application (Leave stage) and in the matter of The Health Protection) Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations (NI) 2021 (Amendment No 19) Regulations (NI) 2021 and Darren Williams and 1. Minister of Health for Northern Ireland and 2. Department of Health for Northern Ireland
[2022] NIQB 12 Colton J
O'Murchu's (Risteard) Application for Judicial Review and The Department of Health for Northern Ireland
[2022] NIQB 13 Colton J
Mr Brian McCabe (Appellant) and Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council (Respondent)
NIVT 12/20 Mr Farrelly
Mr Robert Fleming (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 6/20 Mr Farrelly
Mr John Higgins (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 23/19 Mr Farrelly
Mr Terry McIntyre (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 5/19 Mr Farrelly
Mr Eamon Flanagan (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 11/20 Mr Farrelly
Mr Robert Fleming (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 6/20 Mr Farrelly
David Burns and Gordon Duff's Applications (Leave stage) and in the matter of various decisions of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council to grant planning permission in the Countryside
[2022] NIQB 10 Scoffield J
Ulster Bank LTD and National Westminster Bank PLC and Richard Pollock, Sylvia Pollock, Thomas Pollock, Pauline Pollock, Ramsey Pollock, Samuel Pollock and Rhoda Pollock
[2022] NICh 3 McBride J
Duff's (Gordon) Application (Leave stage) and in the matter of a decision of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
[2022] NIQB 11 Scoffield J
Mr IJ and A Heath and Social Care Trust and Ms GH (In the matter of a Child M born in May 2008)
[2022] NICA 7 Keegan LCJ
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of WP (A male child aged 15 years)
[2022] NIFam 7 McFarland J
Ms Ekaterina Usenko (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 33/21 Mr Leonard
Summary of Judgment - In re SPUC Pro-Life Ltd (Abortion)
Summary of judgment - In re SPUC Pro-Life Ltd (Abortion)
Spuc (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) Pro–Life LTD's Application and The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and Rosaleen McElhinney Intervening and Spuc Pro – Life LTD Application for Judicial Review and The Minister of Health for Northern Ireland
[2022] NIQB 9 Colton J
In the matter of A & M Retail Limited and in the matter if the Insolvency (NI) order 1989 and 1. John Apperley 2. Leann Apperley and 1. Oran McAtamney 2. Elizabeth McAamney 3. A & M Retail Limited
[2022] NICh 2 Humphreys J
Heaney (Kevin) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of the Ministry of Justice, The Department of Justice for Northern Ireland, The Executive Committee of The Northern Ireland Assembly and the Executive Office
[2022] NIQB 8 Scoffield J