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7490 results
Trevor McKee v Charity Commission
6/19 Mr Colmer
McFarland, Alan and Alison Burnside
[2022] NICh 5 McBride J
AB35 (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 35/21 Mr O'Neill
Laura Gargan & Matthew McCartney (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 34/21 Mr O'Neill
Queen v Andrew Ian Vance
[2022] NICC 15 O'Hara J
J P Murphy Limited and David Downey and Michael Downey
[2022] NICA 25 Rooney J
JR183's Application (Leave Stage)
[2022] NIQB 26 Humphreys J
Stephen McGowan and Gregor McArthur
[2022] NIQB 27 Horner J
Queen v Orhan Koca
[2022] NICA 16 McCloskey LJ
Kozubikova (Klara), Michelle Anne Hughes, Suzanne Fitgerald and others Application
[2022] NIQB 22 Colton J
A Mother and A Health and Social Care Trust
[2022] NIFam 15 McFarland J
Coleman's (Samuel Known as 'Katie ’) Application
[2022] NIQB 25 Colton J
TF and N.I. Public Services Ombudsman
[2022] NICA 17 McCloskey LJ
Conway's (Kevin) Application
[2022] NICA 18 Humphreys J
Dr Jacqueline Granleese (Appellant) and Belfast City Council (Respondent)
NIVT 19/20 Mr Leonard
Crawford's (Paul) Application and In the matter of a decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland
[2022] NIQB 24 Keegan LCJ
Mr David Frew (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 39/21 Mr Leonard
YZ and AB and CD and WX and The Official Solicitor to the Court of Judicature
[2022] NIFam 13 Scoffield J