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7490 results
SM Pigs Limited and Karro Food Group Limited
[2022] NIQB 51 Humphreys J
Keys, Colin and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2022] NIQB 52 Mr Shaw KC sitting as HCJ
Summary of judgment - In re Bridget Irvine - Court Quashes HET Report into McGurk's Bar Bombing
Summary of judgment - In re Bridget Irvine - Court Quashes HET Report into McGurk's Bar Bombing
Ms Anne Short (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 37/21 Mr O'Neill
Mr Ignatius Lunney (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 24/19 Mr O'Neill
Bridget Irvine's Application
[2022] NIQB 49 Humphreys J
Lewis (Ronald), Michael Banks Waring and Michael Hamilton and Anthony Brennan and Grainne Brennan
[2022] NICA 39 Keegan LCJ
A Father v A Mother – In the matter of PA(A male child aged 2 1/2 years) - A Health and Social Care Trust v A Stepfather - A Stepfather v A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother – In the matter of GY (A female child aged 15 years)
[2022] NIFam 26 McFarland J
In the matter of an Inquest into the death of Kathleen Thompson
[2022] NICoroner 1 Her Honour Judge Crawford
X and Y (Contact, Parental responsibility and non-molestation order)
[2022] NIFam 25 Humphreys J
Christopher James Gordon (acting in capacity as director of Orianna Investments Limited) and Christopher Gordon (acting in capacity as director of Fletcher Gordon Limited) and Ulster Bank Limited and Royal Bank of Scotland PLC and Various names individuals (unrelated to this application) and Mr Andrew Baillie Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority
[2022] NIMaster 5 Master McCorry
Queen v Jordan Kennedy
[2022] NICC 22 O'Hara J
JR180 Application for Judicial review and in the matter of a decision of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2022] NIQB 48 Colton J
In the matter of an application for Judicial Review by RM (A person under disability) BY SM, his father and next friend and in the matter of a decision of a review Tribunal dated 16 February 2021
[2022] NICA 35 McAlinden J
Queen v David Lukasz Mietus
[2022] NICC 21 O'Hara J
Summary of Judgment - In re Robert Duffy
Summary of Judgment - In re Robert Duffy
Stephen Diver & Wendy Diver (Appellants) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 22/20 Mr Leonard
Duffy's (Robert) Application
[2022] NIQB 47 Colton J