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7487 results
Finucane's (Geraldine) Application and in the matter of a decision of The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
[2022] NIKB 37 Scoffield J
Mr Colm McAteer (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 9/20 Mr Leonard
In the matter of Aleksander (a child) (Application for International Relocation)
[2022] NIFam 41 Mr Simpson KC sitting as HCJ
O'Neill's (Hugh) Application (Leave stage)
[2022] NIKB 35 Colton J
Gordon & Sonia Benson v Joan Cooke & Ano
R/13/2022 Mr Spence
Ryans Presbyterian Church
R/13/2021 Mr Spence
Trevor Cathers & Trevor Cathers Limited and The Minister for the Department for Infrastructure
[2022] NICA 76 McCloskey LJ
Gregory Turner and Louanne Turner (Appellants) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 19/22E Mr O'Neill
Brian Bradley and Tara Bradley and Gerard Rodgers, Brendan Rodgers & Judith O'Hagan trading as RGS Properties
[2022] NIMaster 11 Master Harvey
Summary of Judgment - Rooney & Others
Summary of Judgment - Rooney & Others
Hutchison 3G UK Ltd and EE Ltd v AP Wireless II (UK) Ltd
BT/80/2020 (Part 4) Mr Spence
Edward Rooney, JR181 (3) and Belfast City Council's Aplication and The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs "DEFRA" and Derry City and Strabane District Council and Others
[2022] NIKB 34 Colton J
R v George Hendry
[2022] NICA 77 Treacy LJ
In the matter of John Martin (A Bankrupt)
[2022] NIMaster 10 Master Kelly
Disabled Police Officers' Association NI v Charity Commission
1/22 Mr McMahon
Allen Finlay and Donna Beryl Finlay and Samuel Robert Finlay (as personal representative of Nancy Millar Finlay (Deceased))
[2022] NICh 19 Keegan LCJ
Summary of Judgment - R v Patricia Wilson
Summary of Judgment - R v Patricia Wilson
King v Patricia Wilson
[2022] NICA 73 Sir Morgan