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7487 results
King v BN
[2023] NICC 5 His Honour Judge Rafferty KC
Poundland Ltd v SDI (Strabane) Ltd
BT/123/2020 Mr Spence
Curley's (Felix) Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NIKB 11 Scoffield J
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and KL (The patient) and ML and Commissioner for older people for Northern Ireland and Judith Hutchinson, Solicitor, Patient Financial Controller, NL, OP & QR
[2023] NIFam 3 Rooney J
A Father and A Mother and in the matter of FX (A child)
[2023] NICA 9 Keegan LCJ
Valdomar Da Conceicao Silva's Application (Leave Stage) and in the matter of a decision of the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland
[2023] NIKB 9 Colton J
Duffy and Duffy
[2023] NIMaster 2 Master Bell
Pre-Action Protocol Personal Injury and Damage Only Road Traffic Accident Claims
Pre-Action Protocol Personal Injury and Damage Only Road Traffic Accident Claims Keegan LCJ
Pre-Action Protocol Commercial Action -County Court
Pre-Action Protocol Commercial Action -County Court Keegan LCJ
Pre Action Protocol for Ejectment Proceedings - County Court
Pre Action Protocol for Ejectment Proceedings - County Court
Ferguson's (Aidan) Application and in the matter of decisions by the Chief Constable of The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2023] NIKB 6 Colton J
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of SU (A female child aged 3 years)
[2023] NIFam 1 McFarland J
Summary of Judgment - In the matter of an Application for Judicial Review - Oliver Hughes
Summary of Judgment - In the matter of an Application for Judicial Review - Oliver Hughes
Hughes (Oliver) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of The Department for Communities
[2023] NIKB 5 Colton J
King v David Jonathan Holden
[2023] NICC 4 O'Hara J
Engage Credit Limited and Sara Robinson
[2023] NICA 10 McCloskey LJ
Alan Gilmore (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 7/19 Mr Farrelly
Claire Magennis (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 25/21 Mr Farrelly