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7487 results
David William James Crozier by John David Crozier his next friend and Derek Lyons
[2004] NIQB 18 Weir J
Re K (Application to Adopt)
[2004] NIFam 4 Gillen J
Queen v Raymond James Craig McMaster
[2004] NICC 34 Weatherup J
McArdle (Sharon) v Philip George Adams, Stephen Reid, Translink and Motor Insurers Bureau
[2004] NICty 4 Hart J
S A J and M H
[2004] NICty 2 Hart J
R v William Desmond Gallagher
[2004] NICA 11 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an application by Gerald Bothwell for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 17 Weatherup J
Gao's Application
[2004] NIQb 16 Weatherup J
In the matter of an application by Neil White for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 15 Weatherup J
R v William Desmond Gallagher
[2004] NICA 111 Kerr LCJ
Omagh District Council v The Minister with Responsibility for Health, Social Services and Public Safety
[2004] NICA 10 Nicholson LJ
Doran & Others Application
[2004] NIQB 14 Weatherup J
Leanne Colette Mary Burke and Southern Education and Library Board and N K Fencing Limited
[2004] NIQB 13 Higgins J
Colin John Barkley v John Nelson Bell Whiteside
[2004] NIQB 12 Coghlin J
Robert Beacom v Action Mental Health
[2004] NICA 8 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of an application by Samuel Henry for Judicial Review
[2004] NIQB 11 Weatherup J
In the matter of the estate of Patrick O'Neill Deceased: Veronica O'Neill, Terence O'Neill and Joseph O'Neill v John Richard McPhillimy, Elizabeth McKay and Ciara O'Neill (a minor) and Christopher O'Neill (a minor) by Kevin O'Neill their Father and Guardian Ad Litem
[2004] NICh 4 Weir J
R v Zoe Lynne Pearson Attorney General's Reference Number 1 of 2004 (AG Ref 17 of 2003)
[2004] NICA 6 Kerr LCJ