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7490 results
Milliken v Commissioner of Valuation
VR/1/2004 Coghlin J , Mr Curry
Queen v William McCluskey
[2005] NICA 22 Kerr LCJ
Queen v S M
[2005] NICA 24 Kerr LCJ
AC and Another v Cabin Hill School and Others
[2005] NIQB 45 Higgins J
Richard James' Application for Judicial Review
[2005] NIQB 38 Girvan J
Re C and C
[2005] NIFam 3 Gillen J
In the matter of O and S
[2005] NIFam 4 Gillen J
In the matter of an application by Anne Marie McCallion, Lorraine McColgan and Anne McNeill for Judicial Review
[2005] NICA 21 (3) Campbell LJ
Queen v Sean Christopher King and Hugh William Foster
[2005] NICA 20 Nicholson LJ
Queen v Steven Shepherd
[2005] NICA 19 Kerr LCJ
Gregg (William John v Ashbrae Limited
[2005] NIQB 37 Hart J
H Orde, Chief Constable v Andrew John McLean
[2005] NIMag 2 District Judge (MC) White
Practice Direction 07/2005 - The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2005
Practice Direction 07/2005 - The Legal Aid for Crown Court Proceedings (Costs) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2005
In the matter of an application for Judicial Review by Michael Millar
[2005] NIQB 34 Morgan J
In the matter of an application by Caroline Watt for Judicial Review
[2005] NIQb 35 Morgan J
Michael Beattie v Ulster Television PLC
[2005] NIQB 36 Higgins J
In the matter of an application by Karen Carson and in the matter of decisions of the Northern Ireland Prison Service
[2005] NIQB 80 Girvan J
David Cyril Dawson, Jerome Campbell and Darren Martin, Attorney General's Reference (No 8 of 2004) (AG Ref 11,12 & 13 of 2004)
[2005] NICA 18 Kerr LCJ