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7493 results
Attorney General's Reference (Number 1 of 2006), Gary McDonald, John Keith McDonald & Stephen Gary Maternaghan (AG ref 11-13 of 2005)
[2006] NICA 4 Kerr LCJ
Attorney General's Reference (No.1 of 2006) Gary McDonald, John Keith McDonald and Stephen Gary Maternaghan (AG Ref 11-13 of 2005)
[2006] NICA 4 Kerr LCJ
R v William J Fulton & 3 Others (No. 7)
[2006] NICC 32 Hart J
Queen v Edward Magill and Others
[2006] NICC 6 Deeny J
James Hutchinson v Chief Construction Limited
[2006] NIMaster 43 Master McCorry
In the matter of an application by Rodney Smith for Judicial Review
[2006] NIQB 13 Girvan J
Heidland Werres Diederichs v Flexiquip Hydraulics Limited
[2006] NIQB 100 Higgins J
In the matter of an application by Darren Sloan by Damien Maguire his social worker and next friend and in the matter of a decision of the burglary unit, Musgrave Street Police Service of Northern Ireland Station and in the matter of a decision of a custody officer of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2006] NIQB 12 Shiel LJ
John Donaghey and Anne Donaghey as sole executors of the will of Mary Donaghey deceased v Joseph McGlone
[2006] NIFam 3 Nicholson LJ
Queen v H
[2006] NICC 5 Hart J
In the matter of applications by: (1) AM Development UK Ltd (2) Belfast City Council and Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce (3) Bow Street Mall Limited and Lisburn Chamber of Commerce (4) Central Craigavon Limited for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of the Rt Hon Lord Rooker, Minister with responsibilty for the Department of the Environment
[2006] NIQB 9 Girvan J
William Joseph Herron v The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
[2006] NIQB 11 Girvan J
Queen v Robert John Flanagan and Eamon Flanagan
[2006] NICC 9 Weir J
Julie Patton v Helen McFarland
[2006] NIQB 16 McCollum LJ
In the matter of an application by Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for leave to apply for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision by a Statutory Ajudicator on 6 July 2005
[2006] NIQB 10 Girvan J
Chief Constable Hugh Orde v Thomas O'Donovan and Janet McGonagle
[2006] NICA 49 Campbell LJ
Chief Constable of Police Service of Northern Ireland v LO
[2006] NICA 3 Kerr LCJ
In the matter of P and others (Care order: Schedule of findings sought: Fairness of the hearing: Allegations against non parties: Issue estoppel)
[2006] NIFam 2 Gillen J