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7487 results
Oonagh McAleer v The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd and Regional Health and Social Care Board as successor in title to the Western Health and Social Services Board
[2024] NIMaster 18 Master Harvey
Summary of judgment - In re No Gas Caverns Ltd and Friends of the Earth (CA)
Summary of judgment - In re No Gas Caverns Ltd and Friends of the Earth (CA)
No Gas Caverns Ltd and Friends of the Earth Ltd's Application
[2024] NICA 50 Keegan LCJ
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Thomas Friel
[2024] NICoroner 27 His Honour Judge Reel
The King v Hayley Robb, Jill Robinson and Rose De Monmorency-Wright
[2024] NICC 16 His Honour Judge Rafferty KC
Belfast City Council's Application and In the matter of a decision of the Planning Appeals Commission
[2024] NIKB 47 Humphreys J
Eileen Wilson's Application and Department of Health for Northern Ireland
[2024] NICA 53
Stephen Wilson and Joseph O'Hare trading as O'Hare Transport
[2024] NIMaster 16 Master Harvey
Public Prosecution Service and Lewis Boyd
[2024] NICA 48
Michelle Anne Hughes' Application and the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2024] NIDiv 9 Colton J
Jack and Patricia Murphy and Kieran Doyle
[2024] NICh 7 Colton J
Robert Murtagh and The Law Society of Northern Ireland
[2024] NIKB 104 Keegan LCJ
Tullyraine Quarries Ltd and Department for Infrastructure
[2024] NIKB 50 McBride J
CGI IT UK Limited and Department of Finance
[2024] NIKB 49 Humphreys J
JR194, JR235 and JR 256's Applications
[2024] NIKB 46 Colton J
Summary of judgment - In re Mediahuis and others (Justice (Sexual offences and Trafficking Victims) Act (NI) 2022)
Summary of judgment - In re Mediahuis and others (Justice (Sexual offences and Trafficking Victims) Act (NI) 2022)
Mediahuis Ireland Limited and The Irish News Limited’s Application, Times Media Limited, British Broadcasting Corporation, Guardian News and Media Limited, News Group Newspapers Limited and Associated Newspapers Limited’s Application AND In the matter of the Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
[2024] NIKB 45 Humphreys J
The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and JR 295’s Applications and In the matter of the Illegal Migration Act 2023
[2024] NIKB 44 Humphreys J