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130 results
- Judicial officer Humphreys J Selected filter: remove filter Humphreys J
In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of Lawrence Joseph McNally, Anthony Patrick Doris and Michael James Ryan (Open ruling on the claim for public interest immunity)
[2022] NICoroner 4 Humphreys J
SM Pigs Limited and Karro Food Group Limited
[2022] NIQB 51 Humphreys J
Bridget Irvine's Application
[2022] NIQB 49 Humphreys J
X and Y (Contact, Parental responsibility and non-molestation order)
[2022] NIFam 25 Humphreys J
Stuart (Colin) Application for Judicial Review
[2022] NIQB 45 Humphreys J
Aaron Sterritt and Telegraph Media Group Limited and Associated Newspapers Limited and News Group Newspapers Limited
[2022] NiQB 43 Humphreys J
Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents' Association Application for Judicial Review
[2022] NIQB 40 Humphreys J
McAleenon's (Noeleen) Application
[2022] NIQB 39 Humphreys J
Mark Rodgers (A Patient) by his Controller Bernadette Mulholland, Solicitor and William James Rodgers and Barbara Rodgers, Linda Rodgers
[2022] NICA 26 Humphreys J
Armstrong (Michael) Application for Leave to Apply for Judicial Review
[2022] NIQB 32 Humphreys J
JR164's Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision of the School Expulsion Appeal Tribunal
[2022] NICA 22 Humphreys J
Queen v Patrick Crymble and Samantha Brown
[2022] NICC 13 Humphreys J
JR183's Application (Leave Stage)
[2022] NIQB 26 Humphreys J
Conway's (Kevin) Application
[2022] NICA 18 Humphreys J
Soni Limited's Application (Leave Stage) and in the matter of a decision of the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulations Acting through its Single Electricity Market Committee and in the matter of decision by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
[2022] NIQB 21 Humphreys J
Lavery's (Paula) Application (Leave stage)
[2022] NIQB 19 Humphreys J
Burns (Patricia) Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review
[2022] NIQB 18 Humphreys J
SV (A MINOR), FV (A MINOR), GV (A MINOR) and PV and A Health and Social Care Trust and The Department of Finance and A Health and Social Care Trust and PV and SV, FV & GV (Minors) acting by the Official Solicitor as Guardian Ad Litem
[2022] NIFam 11 Humphreys J