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146 results
- Judicial officer McCloskey LJ Selected filter: remove filter McCloskey LJ
Suresh Deman and Queen's University Belfast
[2022] NICA 23 McCloskey LJ
Taylor, Ryan and The Department for Communities and The Department for Work and Pensions - Judgement No.2
[2022] NICA 21 McCloskey LJ
Queen v Orhan Koca
[2022] NICA 16 McCloskey LJ
TF and N.I. Public Services Ombudsman
[2022] NICA 17 McCloskey LJ
Rosaleen Beatty and Director of Public Prosecutions and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2022] NICA 13 McCloskey LJ
Frizzell, Patrick and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2022] NICA 14 Keegan LCJ , McCloskey LJ
Ahmed Belhassen and Dobhan Limited
[2022] NICA 10 McCloskey LJ
Suresh Deman and Queen's University, Belfast
[2022] NICA 11 McCloskey LJ
Ryan Taylor and The Department for Communities and the Department for Work and Pensions
[2022] NICA 8 McCloskey LJ
R v Martin Doherty
[2022] NICA 4 McCloskey LJ
Filip, Marian Chistian and Public Prosecution Service
[2022] NICA 2 McCloskey LJ
McKeever, Michelle and John McKeever and Bank of Ireland (UK) PLC
[2021] NICA 64 McCloskey LJ
General Prosecutors Office of Latvia and Marius Ancevskis
[2021] NIQB 116 McCloskey LJ
Hughes' (Andrea) Application v A Lay Magistrate and The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2021] NIQB 113 McCloskey LJ
The Registrar of Companies and JP Murphy Limited
[2021] NICA 62 McCloskey LJ
R v Anthony McLaughlin
[2021] NICA 61 McCloskey LJ
The Security Industry Authority's Application
[2021] NIQB 106 McCloskey LJ
AS1's (A minor acting by her mother and next friend) Application
[2021] NICA 55 McCloskey LJ