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206 results
- Judicial officer Stephens J Selected filter: remove filter Stephens J
Caitrin, Dona and Elliot (care proceedings:fact finding)
[2010] NIFam 1 Stephens J
Re Jakub and Dawid (Brussels II Revised: Recognition and enforcement of foreign order)
[2009] NIFam 23 Stephens J
Re Glenn (Residence order application)
[2009] NIFam 24 Stephens J
Alwyn (Non molestation proceedings by a child)
[2009] NIFam 22 Stephens J
Re L (Removal from the Jurisdiction – Holiday)
[2009] NIFam 21 Stephens J
Queen v Patrick Martin Smyth, Mark Francis O'Neill and John Sean Hughes
[2009] NICC 64 Stephens J
Arthur, Re (Non-Molestation Proceedings by a minor)
[2009] NIFam 19 Stephens J
Ciaran v Niamh
[2009] NIfam 18 Stephens J
McKeever (Aidan) v Ministry Of Defence
[2009] NIQB 106 Stephens J
Luiz (Application for a Residence Order)
[2009] NIFam 16 Stephens J
Cherith Salt v John Helley
[2009] NIQB 69 Stephens J
Emmanson's Application (Fyneface Boma) (No 2)
[2009] NIQB 70 Stephens J
Florence McT and others (proposed guide to case management: role of guardian)
[2009] NIFam 13 Stephens J
In the matter of TMH (Freeing wihtout consent)
[2009] NIFam 11 Stephens J
Sabina and Tamim (Temporary removal from the jurisdiction to Bangladesh)
[2009] NIFam 20 Stephens J
Christopher Gilheaney and Adrian McGovern and Edward McGovern No. 2
[2009] NIQB 46 Stephens J
Sarah Kelly and Martin Mackle
[2009] NIQB 39 Stephens J
Christopher Gilheaney and Adrian McGovern and Edward McGovern
[2009] NIQB 38 Stephens J