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151 results
- Judicial officer Keegan J Selected filter: remove filter Keegan J
SA and MA
[2020] NIFam 26 Keegan J
A Health and Social Care Trust and a mother and a father and a father
[2020] NIFam 29 Keegan J
In the matter of Orla and Martin (No 3)
[2020] NIFam 24 Keegan J
A Health and Social Care Trust and MR O and MR R
[2020] NIFam 23 Keegan J
A Father and A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and a Great Aunt and In the matter of Stefan (A minor) (Appeal:Interim Care Order: Immediate Removal)
[2020] NIFam 22 Keegan J
A Health and Social Care Trust and Ms TA and Mr K and Mr C and Mr and Mrs SB and In the matter of Sam and Leah (Minors) (Residence Order: Declaration: Contact Order)
[2020] NIFam 21 Keegan J
HM and VM
[2020] NIFam 30 Keegan J
MR S and A Health and Social Care Trust and Ms T and In the matter of Josef (A minor: Breach of human rights: Declaration: Damages: Costs)
[2020] NIFam 20 Keegan J
A Health and Social Care Trust and Ms E and Mr T and In the matter of J,M, R (minors):(Freeing for adoption)
[2020] NIFam 18 Keegan J
SB (A MOTHER) and A Health and Social Services Trust and in the matter of Florence (A baby) : Contact during Covid - 19 restrictions
[2020] NIFam 17 Keegan J
MR K and MS Y
[2020] NIFam 16 Keegan J
KR and DM and in the matter of a child, Todd
[2020] NIFam 14 Keegan J
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and In the matter of J, M, R (Minors) (freeing for Adoption: Jurisdiction: Brussels 11R Vienna Convention)
[2020] NIFam 13 Keegan J
A Father v A Mother and In the matter of Finn (a minor) (specific issue: vaccination)
[2020] NIFam 12 Keegan J
In the matter of KW and in the matter of an application for costs following withdrawal of proceedings
[2020] NIFam 11 Keegan J
AB and A health and social services trust and BD and CF and in the matter of Dawn and Meg (minors) (Appeal: Practice and Procedure: Obligations post care order)
[2020] NIFam 10 Keegan J
ZA and BY and in the matter of K (a minor), Hague Convention (Article 13 grave risk exception: Protective Measures: Judicial Liasion)
[2020] NIFam 9 Keegan J
MS B and MR D and In the Matter of a Child Kim (Order or No Order: Article 3(5))
[2020] NIFam 7 Keegan J