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9 results
Crash Services Limited v AXA Insurance Limited
[2018] NICty 3 District Judge Gilpin
Summary of judgment - Court orders letting agent to return administration fee to tenant
Summary of judgment - Court orders letting agent to return administration fee to tenant District Judge Gilpin
[2018] NICty 1 District Judge Gilpin
Loughran (Paul) v Piney Rentals Limited & F5 Property Limited
[2017] NICty 2 District Judge Gilpin
Summary of Judgment - Court orders letting agent to return administration fee to tenant
Summary of Judgment - Court orders letting agent to return administration fee to tenant District Judge Gilpin
Moore (Stephen and Alison) v Causeway Coast and Glens District Council
[2017] NICty 1 District Judge Gilpin
GK (a minor) by her father and next friend GK v Paul Frew
[2016] NICty 3 District Judge Gilpin