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404 results
In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of John Dougal, Patrick Butler, Noel Fitzpatrick, David McCafferty and Margaret Gargan (The Springhill Inquest) - Ruling No. 2 on applications for PIP status by Brian Pettigrew and SM16
[2023] NICoroner 25 Scoffield J
Amanda McCabe's Application
[2023] NIKB 98 Humphreys J
James Moore and Harland & Wolff PLC Somewatch Ltd
[2023] NICA 61 Keegan LCJ
Liam McCloskey v Department for Infrastructure
R/6/2022 Mr Spence
Patrick Frizzell as personal representative of the estate of Brian Frizzell (Deceased) and (1) The Chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, (2) The Ministry of Defence, (3) The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, (4) Alan Oliver, (5) Anthony McNeill, (6) Thomas Harper and Margaret Lundy on behalf of the estate of Alan Lundy (Deceased) and (1) The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, (2) The Ministry of Defence
[2023] NIKB 97 Humphreys J
The King v Gavin Coyle
[2023) NICC 27 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Daniel McAteer and Aine McAteer and Sanjeev Guram and Anoop Guram
[2023] NICA 59 Keegan LCJ
Oliver Hughes and the Department for Communities
[2023] NICA 60 McCloskey LJ
Sharon Jordan's Application
[2023] NIKB 95 Colton J
JR 262's Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NIKB 93 Mr Simpson KC sitting as HCJ
A Mother and A Father In The Matter of a Female Child Aged 11 Years
[2023] NIFam 13 McFarland J
Eileen Wilson and May Kitchen v Department of Health for Northern Ireland, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
[2023] NICA 54 McCloskey LJ
Shima Alamin and Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2023] NICty 2 Ms Murray (DCCJ)
Gordon Duff and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and F P McCann Ltd and in the matter of Gordon Duff's Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NICA 56 McBride J
The King v Niall Cox and Karen McDonald
[2023] NICC 26 Fowler J
Public Prosecution Service v Christopher Walsh
[2023] NICA 39 Treacy LJ
JR241's Application and In the matter of a decision of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
[2023] NIKB 91 Scoffield J
The King v Omar Ahamad
[2023] NICA 52 Keegan LCJ