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404 results
The Renewable Heat Association and Another Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of an application for leave to apply for Judicial Review by Thomas Forgrave
[2023] NICA 13 Keegan LCJ
(1) Lancaster (Anthony) (2) Rafferty (Sharon) and (3) McDonnell (Anthony) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of The Police Service of Northern Ireland and The Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2023] NIKB 12
Mackle (Gabriel) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of The Department of Justice
[2023] NIKB 13 Scoffield J
Newry Gospel Hall v Charity Commission
2/22 Mr Hanna
Henry Donnelly v Department for Infrastructure
R/14/2022 Mr Spence
Magell Ltd v Ferhat Ekici & Ali Nassar
BT/71 & 72/2022 (Part 1) Mr Spence
King v BN
[2023] NICC 5 His Honour Judge Rafferty KC
Poundland Ltd v SDI (Strabane) Ltd
BT/123/2020 Mr Spence
Curley's (Felix) Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NIKB 11 Scoffield J
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and KL (The patient) and ML and Commissioner for older people for Northern Ireland and Judith Hutchinson, Solicitor, Patient Financial Controller, NL, OP & QR
[2023] NIFam 3 Rooney J
A Father and A Mother and in the matter of FX (A child)
[2023] NICA 9 Keegan LCJ
Valdomar Da Conceicao Silva's Application (Leave Stage) and in the matter of a decision of the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland
[2023] NIKB 9 Colton J
Duffy and Duffy
[2023] NIMaster 2 Master Bell
Pre-Action Protocol Personal Injury and Damage Only Road Traffic Accident Claims
Pre-Action Protocol Personal Injury and Damage Only Road Traffic Accident Claims Keegan LCJ
Pre-Action Protocol Commercial Action -County Court
Pre-Action Protocol Commercial Action -County Court Keegan LCJ
Pre Action Protocol for Ejectment Proceedings - County Court
Pre Action Protocol for Ejectment Proceedings - County Court
Ferguson's (Aidan) Application and in the matter of decisions by the Chief Constable of The Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2023] NIKB 6 Colton J
A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and A Father and in the matter of SU (A female child aged 3 years)
[2023] NIFam 1 McFarland J