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404 results
Mullan (Denise) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of The Department of Justice and Denise Mullan and Department of Justice and John McNeice and Garfield Beattie
[2023] NIKB 19 Colton J
Chadwick (Justin) and Harvison's (Andrew) Application and in the matter of decisions of The Northern Ireland Policing Board
[2023] NIKB 7 Scoffield J
Historic Royal Palaces and Piperhill Construction LTD
[2023] NIKB 30 McBride J
Avelina Ximines Belo's Application and in the matter of a decision by The Secretary of State for The Home Department
[2023] NIKB 20 Rooney J
Joel De Deus's Application (leave Stage) and in the matter of a decision by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2023] NIKB 26 Rooney J
SS (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 6/22 Mr Farrelly
Eamon Flanagan (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 11/20 Mr Farrelly
Gavin McKenna and Ministry of Defence
[2023] NIKB 17 McAlinden J
JR249's Application (Leave Stage)
[2023] NIKB 25 Colton J
McAleenon's (Noeleen) Application
[2023] NICA 15 Horner LJ
In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of Dougal, Butler, Fitzpatrick, McCafferty and Gargan (‘The Springhill Inquest’) - Ruling (Number 1) On the Ministry of Defence request for documentation to be sought by the Coroner
[2023] NICoroner 24 Scoffield J
Brent Larmour and Joan Larmour
[2023] NICh 4 McBride J
Summary of Judgment - R v Gerard McKenna
Summary of Judgment - R v Gerard McKenna
King v Qing Wen Lin, Long Quang Lin Lin Zheng, Zhu Lin & Yang Wu Chen
[2023] NICA 11 McCloskey LJ
King v Gerard McKenna
[2023] NICA 12 Keegan LCJ
CD and EF and in the matter of AB (A minor)
[2023] NIFam 4 Kinney J
CAO v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2023] NICA 14 McCloskey LJ
JR 231 Application for Judicial Review
[2023] NIKB 18 Humphreys J