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403 results
Napier's (Sean) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of decisions of the First Minister of Northern Ireland; Junior Minister Middleton of the Executive Office; the Minister for the Economy; The Minister for Education; and the Minister for the Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs
[2021] NIQB 86 Scoffield J
GM & DM (Appellants) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 15/20 Mr Gibson
Diver's (Tammi Lee) Application (Leave stage)
[2021] NIQB 83 Scoffield J
Diver's (Tammi Lee) and Corrigan's (Sinead) Application (Leave Stage)
[2021] NIQB 84 Scoffield J
Summary of judgment - In re Michael Gallagher (Omagh Bomb)
Summary of judgment - In re Michael Gallagher (Omagh Bomb)
Gallagher's (Michael) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland made on 12th September 2013
[2021] NIQB 85 Horner J
JR171's (Leave Stage) Application for Judicial Review and in the matter of the decisions of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2021] NIQB 82 Scoffield J
Laurence Moffat and Dorothy Moffat and Daire Moffat and Conall Eoin Toland and Meabh Emily Toland
[2021] NICh 19 McBride J
JR164's (A Minor) Application
[2021] NIQB 87 Rooney J
Queen v Sarunas Nauburaitis
[2021] NICC 6 O'Hara J
Mr & Mrs Goodman (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 21/19 Mr Farrelly
Queen v Ivor Malachy Bell
[2021] NICA 56 Treacy LJ
A Father and A Health and Social Care Trust and A Mother and in the matter of the discharge of care orders and reduction of contact and in the matter of four children ages, 10, 8 and twins aged 6
[2021] NIFam 42 McFarland J
Practice Direction 02/2021 - Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation in the High Court and Practice Direction for Experts
Practice Direction 02/2021 - Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation in the High Court and Practice Direction for Experts
Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation in the High Court
Protocol for Clinical Negligence Litigation in the High Court
Patrick Doyle & Sonia Ruiz v NI Electricity Networks
R/21/2019 Horner J , Mr Spence
A Son v A Daughter In the Matter of a Mother
[2021] NIFam 40 McFarland J
Inquest Touching Upon the death of Mark Gourley
[2021] NICoroner 11 Mr McGurgan