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403 results
Summary of Findings - Patrick McElhone
Summary of Findings - Patrick McElhone
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Patrick McElhone
[2021] NICoroner 1 Keegan J
Gala Case Limited and North West Bookmakers Limited T/A Ladbrokes
[2021] NICty 1 His Honour Judge Gilpin
Stephen Finlay (A Bankrupt) and David Agnew as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Stephen Finlay and Stephen Finlay and Paula Finlay
[2021] NIMaster 1 Master Kelly
Summary of Judgment - R v Christine Connor (appeal against conviction and sentence)
Summary of Judgment - R v Christine Connor (appeal against conviction and sentence)
B A Kitchen Components Limited and Jowat (UK) Limited
[2021] NIQB 3 Sir Weatherup
A father and A Health & Social Care Trust, A Mother and A Grandmother and in the matter of a child Joe (Reopening of finding of facts)
[2021] NIFam 3 Keegan J
Queen v Christine Connor
[2021] NICA 3 McCloskey LJ
R v Connor (Christine) (Conviction)
[2021] NICA 2 McCloskey LJ
[2021] NIQB 4 McFarland J
AF’s Application
[2021] NIQB 5 Colton J
Queen v Gerald O'Hara
[2021] NICA 1 McCloskey LJ
FB1 v Facebook Ireland LTD
[2021] NIQB 128 Huddleston J
Okotete, Rita and The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland
[2021] NIQB 1 McFarland J
In the matter of the children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 and in the matter of Orla and Martin No. 4
[2021] NIFam 2 Keegan J
JR131's Application for Judicial Review and William Clifford (leave stage)and in the matter of decisions of the Domestic Proceedings Court
[2021] NIQB 2 Scoffield J
Summary of Judgment - R v Jordan Donnelly and Robert Kiernan
Summary of Judgment - R v Jordan Donnelly and Robert Kiernan
Bar None NI Limited - 48-54 Upper Charleville Street, Belfast
R/14/2020 Mr Spence