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290 results
10/19 Gregory Burke v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
10/19 Mr McMahon
Marie McCue v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
Charity 5/18 Mr McMahon
Summary of Judgment - Court Delivers Loughinisland Judgment
Summary of Judgment - Court Delivers Loughinisland Judgment Morgan LCJ
Hawthorne's (Thomas Ronald) and White's (Raymond) Application
[2020] NICA 33 Morgan LCJ
MS X and A Health and Social Care Trust and MS Y and In the matter of Mark and Tim (Removal: Injunction:Human Rights)
[2020] NIFam 5 Keegan J
Santander UK PLC and Thomas Anthony Carlin and Maxine Karon Hughes
[2020] NICh 11 Huddleston J
Lynch's (Patrick) Application
[2020] NICA 32 Horner J
Ketcher (Linda) and Mitchell's (Carol) Application
[2020] NICA 31 Morgan LCJ
Summary of judgment - R v John Patterson Hill
Summary of judgment - R v John Patterson Hill
R v John Patterson Hill
[2020]NICA 30 Morgan LCJ
R v McGrath
[2020] NICA 29 Morgan LCJ
Queen v Dominic McGrath
[2020] NICA 29 Morgan LCJ
AB (A Person Under a Disability) v CMcD, EB AND FG As Personal Representatives of HB (DECEASED)
[2020] NICh 10 Huddleston J
R v Chee (Tony)
[2020] NICC 10 His Honour Judge McFarland
F P McCann LTD and Department of Regional Development
[2020] NIQB 50 Colton J
Kevin Smyth (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 20/18 Mr O'Neill
Summary of judgment - Court finds Francis Lanigan guilty of murder committed in 1998
Summary of judgment - Court finds Francis Lanigan guilty of murder committed in 1998
R v Francis Lanigan
[2020] NICC 8 Horner J