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12 results
- Date 2020 Selected filter: remove filter 2020
- Judicial officer Horner J Selected filter: remove filter Horner J
Flexidig Limited v M&M Contractors (Europe) Limited
[2020] NIQB 56 Horner J
Northstone (NI) Limited and Department for Regional Development (Transport NI)
[2020] NIQB 79 Horner J
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker)
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker) Horner J
Queen v Francis Lanigan
[2020] NICC 17 Horner J
Lynch's (Patrick) Application
[2020] NICA 32 Horner J
R v Francis Lanigan
[2020] NICC 8 Horner J
QMAC Construction Ltd and Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2020] NIQB 45 Horner J
Andronics Communications LTD and AIB Group (UK) Trading as First Trust Bank
[2020] NIQB 64 Horner J
Eilish Morley (on her own behalf as personal representative of the estate of Eoin Morley (deceased)) and The Ministry of Defence and Peter Keeley and The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and The office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
[2020] NIQB 77 Horner J
Andronics Communications Ltd and AIB Group (UK) Trading as First Trust Bank
[2020] NIQB 66 Horner J