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23 results
LLD, by her mother and next friend v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2020] NICA 38 McCloskey LJ
R v Pauline Burns
[2020] NICC 15 McFarland J
Court Sentences for COVID-19 Spitting Offences
Summary of Judgment - Court Sentences for COVID-19 Spitting Offence
John Laurence Fitzpatrick
R/4/2020 Mr Spence
A Father v A Mother and In the matter of Finn (a minor) (specific issue: vaccination)
[2020] NIFam 12 Keegan J
Northstone (NI) Limited and Department for Regional Development (Transport NI)
[2020] NIQB 79 Horner J
Anthony Quinn and Madonna Quinn
[2020] NICA 41 McCloskey LJ
In the matter of KW and in the matter of an application for costs following withdrawal of proceedings
[2020] NIFam 11 Keegan J
JR118's Application
[2020] NIQB 54 O'Hara J
AB19 (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 19/19 Mr Leonard
AB and A health and social services trust and BD and CF and in the matter of Dawn and Meg (minors) (Appeal: Practice and Procedure: Obligations post care order)
[2020] NIFam 10 Keegan J
Woodvale and Shankill Community Housing Association v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
1/20 Mr McMahon
Summary of judgment - Court delivers reasons for quashing Loughinisland search warrants
Summary of judgment - Court delivers reasons for quashing Loughinisland search warrants
Fine Point Films and Trevor Birney’s Application, Barry McCaffrey’s Application and PSNI and Durham Constabulary for search warrants’ Application
[2020] NIQB 55 Morgan LCJ
ZA and BY and in the matter of K (a minor), Hague Convention (Article 13 grave risk exception: Protective Measures: Judicial Liasion)
[2020] NIFam 9 Keegan J
Cox's (Lorraine) Application
[2020] NIQB 53 McAlinden J
Trevor McKee v The Charity Commission for NI (varied directions)
9/15 (2) Mr Colmer
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker)
Summary of Judgment - R v Francis Lanigan (sentencing for murder of John Stephen Knocker) Horner J