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388 results
R v Ivor Bell - Application to exclude reference recordings
[2019] NICC 25 O'Hara J
Stewart (John and Jonathan) and Adrian and Robert Martin and Barry P Finlay and others Practising as Murland Solicitors
[2019] NICA 54 McCloskey LJ
Raymond Whitehouse v NI Social Care Council
NISCC/3/2019 Mr Quinn KC
Cavanagh's (Mark) Application (No. 2)
[2019] NIQB 89 Keegan J
Doherty (John) and Doherty (Mary) v Brennan (John Nicholas) and Kerr (Iraina) - Fixed Charged Receivers for Pinpoint Property Limited trading as Morton Pinpoint
[2019] NICA 56 McCloskey LJ
Richard McClelland (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 12/18 Mr O'Neill
Art Connolly (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 21/18 Mr O'Neill
Raymond Pither & Ms Rita Farren (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 25/18 Mr O'Neill
AC & MC (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
NIVT 32/18 Mr O'Neill
Peifer, James Robert and Sullivan Upper School
[2019] NICA 51 Morgan LCJ
Bogdan Szczesny-Bury and Robinson Services Limited
[2019] NICA 52 Stephens LJ
Trevor McKee v The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
3/19 Mr McMahon
Prison Service Trust v The Charity Trust for Northern Ireland
4/19 Mr McMahon
Ismail's (Omaar) Application
[2019] NIQB 86 Colton J
Queen v Shannon McIlwaine (Defence Severance Application)
[2019] NICC 18 Colton J
Williamson, Deirdre and Asda Stores Limited and Compass Group UK and Ireland Limited
[2019] NIQB 95 Maguire J
Summary of judgment - Court Delivers Abortion Legislation Judgment
Summary of judgment - Court Delivers Abortion Legislation Judgment
Ewart's (Sarah Jane) Application
[2019] NIQB 88 Keegan J