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341 results
Douglas' (Kenneth) Application
[2018] NIQB 77 Keegan J
Eircom UK LTD v Department for Finance and British Telecommunications PLC
[2018] NIQB 75 Horner J
Summary of judgment - In re Helen McMahon (Flying of Flags)
Summary of judgment - In re Helen McMahon (Flying of Flags) Keegan J
McMahon's (Helen) Application
[2018] NIQB 74 Keegan J
LC2's Application
[2018] NIQB 88 Keegan J
Quinn (Michael) v Ministry of Defence
[2018] NIQB 82 McAlinden J
Oasis Retail Services Limited v Belfast City Council and Others
[2018] NICA 32 Deeny LJ
Flynn & McGettrick and Legal Services Agency NI
[2018] NIMaster 15 Master McGivern
R v Kennedy (Allen)
[2018] NICA 33 Deeny J
Summary of judgment - court delivers judgment on the setting of Council Rates
Summary of judgment - court delivers judgment on the setting of Council Rates Morgan LCJ
Wallace (Orla) as Trustee in the Bankruptcy of Malone (Eamon) v Malone (Eamon) and Others
[2018] NICh 19 McBride J
Mid Ulster District Council v Department of the Environment
[2018] NICA 35 Morgan LCJ
R v ZK
[2018] NICA 46 Stephens LJ
Paul Tallon Limited's Application
[2018] NIQB 72 Keegan J
HSBC Bank PLC v The Registrar of Companies for Northern Ireland, The Crown Solicitor, The Crown Estates Commissioners
[2018] NICh 18 McBride J
Steele (William Keith) & Steele (Olwen Margaret) v Sweeney (Ross Seymour) & Sweeney (Seymour)
[2018] NICty 2 District Judge Duncan
Frampton (Carl) v McGuigan (Finbar Patrick "Barry"), McGuigan (Shane) and Cyclone Promotions (UK) Limited
[2018] NIQB 52 Horner J
Summary of Judgment - Court sentences for Manslaughter of James Hughes in 2016
Summary of Judgment - Court sentences for Manslaughter of James Hughes in 2016 Colton J