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40 results
In the matter of S and T (care, freeing, post adoption contact)
[2017] NIFam 15 Keegan J
RS's Application
[2017] NIQB 102 Keegan J
Kelly's (Vincent) Application
[2017] NIQB 99 Maguire J
Western Health and Social Care Trust and FL and FA
[2017] NIFam 14 Weir LJ
Mary Quinn (Appellant) and The Department of Finance (Respondent)
12/16 Mr Flanigan
Sherrie (Nora) (A Patient) by The Official Solicitor v Sherrie (Michael Daniel Patrick)
[2017] NICA 65 McCloskey J
G.A.P.S. v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
4/17 Mr Colmer
O v C
[2017] NICty 3 His Honour Judge Kinney
HSBC Bank PLC v Robinson (Ivan) and Robinson (Louise)
[2017] NICA 64 Stephens LJ
Sherrie's (Michael) Application
[2017] NIQB 134 McCloskey J
Murphy's (Paul) Application
[2017] NIQB 91 McCloskey J
Murphy's (Paul) Application
[2017] NIQB 138 McCloskey J
Jordan's (Theresa) Application
[2017[ NIQB 135 Keegan J
Rainey's (Brandon) Application
[2017] NIQB 98 Maguire J
Zhang (Huaying) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2017] NIQB 92 McCloskey J
EE's Application
[2017] NIQB 89 Keegan J
Ulster Bank LTD v Esmaili (Farzam)
[2017] NICA 63 Gillen LJ
Connolly (Caroline) v Western Health and Social Care Trust
[2017] NICA 61 Deeny LJ