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36 results
In the matter of an Inquest touching upon the death of Gary William Briggs
[2017] NICoroner 4 Mr McGurgan
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Caragh Walsh
[2017] NICoroner 5 Mr McCrisken
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Caragh Walsh
[2017] NICoroner 5 Mr McCrisken
In the matter of an Inquest touching upon the death of Gary William Briggs
[2017] NICoroner 4 Mr McGurgan
R v Aughey (John)
[2017] NICC 7 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Summary of judgment – Sentencing of John Aughey
Summary of judgment – Sentencing of John Aughey Her Honour Judge Smyth
Queen v Crolly (J)
[2011] NICA 58 Higgins LJ
R v Wallace (Aaron) and Kerr (Christopher Kerr)
[2017] NICA 57 Morgan LCJ
Peifer (James Robert) v Belfast Model School for Girls and Others
[2017] NICA 55 Morgan LCJ
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Marian Brown
[2017] NICoroner 7 His Honour Judge McFarland
In the matter of an inquest into the death of Marian Brown
[2017] NICoroner 7 His Honour Judge McFarland
R v Doherty (Paul) and Others
[2027] NICA 53 Gillen LJ
Summary of judgment Court dismisses appeal in case where police tried to recruit the appellant as an informer
Summary of judgment Court dismisses appeal in case where police tried to recruit the appellant as an informer Stephens LJ
Sheridan's (Brian) Application
[2017] NICA 54 Stephens LJ
Smith (Julian) and Hughes (Andrew) v Black (David) and Persons Unknown
[2017] NICA 56 Morgan LCJ
Regina v Turner (William) & Turner (James Henry)
[2017] NICA 52 Morgan LCJ
Phennick Cove Developments v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
1/16 Mr Huddleston
R v Turner (William) and Turner (James Henry)
[2017] NICA 52 Morgan LCJ