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314 results
Murray (Megan) v McCullough (Mark) as Nominee on Behalf of the Trustees and on Behalf of the Board of Governors of Rainey Endowed School
[2016] NIQB 52 Stephens J
Clive Richardson Limited v Northern Ireland Housing Executive
[2016] NIQB 107 Keegan J
The Official Receiver for Northern Ireland v Patrick Doyle
[2016] NIMaster 7 Master Kelly
Galo (Patrick) v Bombardier Aerospace UK
[2016] NICA 25 Gillen LJ
Capital Home Loans Limited v Liam Joseph Vallely practising as Liam Vallely & Co, solicitors
[2016] NIMaster 3 Master Bell
Practice Note 01/2016 - Note taking and the use of live text - based forms of communication (including Twitter) from court for the purpose of fair and accurate reporting.
Practice Note 01/2016 - Note taking and the use of live text - based forms of communication (including Twitter) from court for the purpose of fair and accurate reporting. Morgan LCJ
Flanagan (Philip) v AIG (Europe) Limited
[2016] NIQB 49 Stephens J
R v Mitchell (Angeline)
[2016] NICC 4 Treacy J
Linton Scott's (Robert) Application
[2016] NIQB 54 Keegan J
Hoy's (Gary) Application
[2016] NICA 23 Morgan LCJ
R v Patricia McKeown
2016 NICA 24 Keegan J
R v McKeown (Patricia)
[2016] NICA 24 Keegan J
Republic of Poland V Zbigniew Malachowski
[2016] NICty 2 Her Honour Judge Smyth
McCafferty (Terence Damien Patrick) v Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
[2016] NIQB 47 Stephens J
Beattie (Ellen) (A Minor) by Beattie (Anne) Her Mother and Next Friend v Holland (Eric)
[2016] NIQB 50 McBride J
Belkovic (Marek) v Dr Toal and BHST
[2016] NIQB 48 Stephens J
Eilish Donnelly v NI Social Care Council
NISCC/10/2014 Mrs Drennan
Ashraf Ahmed (Appellant) and The Commissioner of Valuation for Northern Ireland (Respondent)
NIVT 12/15 Mr Reid