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229 results
Queen v Greer (James)
[2012] NICC 20
Markey(Vincent Gerard), Markey (Glennise), Happys Limited v McMahon (Patrick), Carr (Ross), O’Hare (Robert)
[2012] NIQB 35 Weatherup J
Callender Street Trustees Ltd as Trustees of the MKB Property Unit Trust v LIDL Northern Ireland GmbH
[2012] NICh 14 Deeny J
Queen v J M W Farm Ltd
[2012] NICC 17 His Honour Judge Burgess
R v J M W Farm Limited
[2012] NICC 17 His Honour Judge Burgess
Queen v Crooks, Baxter, McCord, Green, McKenzie and Campbell
[2012] NICC 25 His Honour Judge Lynch KC
Northern Bank Limited v Nigel Stuart Patrick Allen
[2012] NIMaster 5
Chaos (Jose Ignacio de Juana) v Kingdom of Spain
[2012] NIQB 32 McCloskey J
Queen v McDevitt (John)
[2012] NICC 16 His Honour Judge Miller KC
Quinn Finance v Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd and others
[2012] NICh 15 McCloskey J
Quinn Finance v Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd and others (Judgment: Recusal)
[2012] NICh 13
Bank of Ireland (UK) PLC v Crawford (John), Wilson (Geoffry) and Donaldson (Joseph)
[2012] NImaster 6 Master McCorry
McCarthy’s (Christopher) Application
[2012] NIQB 30 Treacy J
Stranaghan & Ano v Townsley
BT/33/2011 (Part 1) Mr Curry
Queen v O'Kane (Gerard)
[2012] NICC 15 Weir J
Queen v Pis (Matyas)
[2012] NICC 14 His Honour Judge Burgess
R v Matyas Pis
[2012] NICC 14 His Honour Judge Burgess
John J Rice and Company v The Lord Chancellor
[2012] NIQB 28 McCloskey J