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229 results
R v Rong Chen, Simon Dempsey and Jason Owen Hinton
[2012] NICC 26 Stephens J
Queen v AB
[2012] NICC 27 His Honour Judge Miller KC
R v David Edwin Allingham and Freda Elizabeth Allingham and R v John McKenna
[2012] NICA 29 Higgins LJ
Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Ltd v Curistan (Peter Gerard)
[2012] NIQB 47 McCloskey J
McGowan (Ruairi) v The Republic of Ireland and in the matter of the Extradition Act 2003
[2012] NIQB 117 Higgins LJ
AIB Group (UK) PLC v 1. Simon Ross; 2.Stephanie Anne Ross; 3.John Holland; 4.Jan Holland; 5.Rodney James Hayley; 6.Jean Adair Hayley
[2012] NIQB 59 Weatherup J
Banks (John) and (Lynne) v Geddis (Martin)
[2012] NIQB 57 Weatherup J
Queen v Kenneway (David Anthony) and Cahoon (Lynsey)
[2012] NICC 24 Stephens J
R v MA
[2012] NICC 33 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Green’s (Brigid) Application
[2012] NIQB 48 Treacy J
Sentencing Remarks - R v Heagney (12/26642), R v Blair (12/28518), R v Barnes (12/22388), R v Baker (12/25775) and R v Charnley (12/39602)
[2012] NICC 32 His Honour Judge Burgess
Western Health and Social Care Trust v L and K
[2012] NIFam 6 Weir J
Craven (James Anthony) and (Caroline) & Others v Alessandra Bellanca, Anna Cinzia D’Aspra, Gabriele Giambrone p/a Giambrone & Law, Solicitors and European Lawyers
[2012] NIQB 58 Weatherup J
Ulster Bank Ireland Ltd and Ulster Bank Ltd as security for the finance parties v Taggart (Michael Adrian) and Taggart (John Desmond)
[2012] NIQB 46 McCloskey J
Sainsbury's Supermarket Ltd v Winemark The Wine Merchants Ltd and others
[2012] NIQB 45 Gillen J
[2012] NICty 2 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Stewart (William) v Department of Finance and Personnel
[2012] NIQB 43 Stephens J
Bank fo Scotland PLC v McGuigan (Laurence Seamus)
[2012] NICh 19 McCloskey J