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209 results
Lowry Brothers Ltd and Albert George Wilson, trading as A G Wilson and Northern Ireland Water Ltd
[2012] NIQB 105 McCloskey J
Swift Advances PLC and Francis and Florence Marron
[2012] NIMaster 9
A’s Application
[2012] NIQB 106 Treacy J
Clarke (Colin) and Lyndsay McCullough
[2012] NIQB 104 McCloskey J
Corbo Properties’ Application
[2012] NIQB 107 Horner J
JR 55’s Application
[2012] NIQB 108 Treacy J
Musgrave Retail Partners (NI) Ltd’s Application (Leave stage)
[2012] NIQB 109 Maguire J
Norbrook Laboratories and Peter Maguire and Gerard Trainor
[2012] NICh 32 Deeny J
McVeigh’s (David) Application
[2012] NIQB 101 Horner J
Wilson’s (Jason) Application
[2012] NIQB 102 Morgan LCJ
O v P
[2012] NICty 5 District Judge (MC) Meehan
R v William Wong
[2012] NICA 54 Morgan LCJ
Campbell’s (Glen) Application
[2012] NIQB 100 Horner J
DM's Application
[2012] NIQB 98 Horner J
Shah Din & sons Ltd (Company Voluntary Arrangement) and Dargan Properties Management Ltd
[2012] NICh 34 Burgess J
McElhatton (Donald) v Ian McFarland and Lorraine McFarland
[2012] NIQB 114 Gillen J
Alternative A5 Alliance’s Application
[2012] NIQB 97 Horner J
XY and Facebook Ireland Ltd
[2012] NIQB 96 McCloskey J