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21 results
Queen v Curran (Daniel)
[2012] NICC 6 Her Honour Judge Smyth
Dona (a pseudonym) (No. 8) (Application to live outside Northern Ireland, to discharge care order and for a residence order)
[2012] NIFam 3 Stephens J
Easy Coach Ltd v Department for Regional Development
[2012] NIQB 10 McCloskey J
Kane (Anthony) v Harland and Wolff PLC, Tech Staff Management Support Ltd (In Liquidation) and Orion Engineering Services Ltd
[2012] NIQB 9 Gillen J
McBrearty (Frank) and McBrearty (Patricia) v AIB Group (UK) PLC, Trading as First Trust Bank and First Trust Independent Financial Advisers Ltd
[2012] NIQB 12 McCloskey J
S H and R D and R H
[2012] NIFam 2 Weir J
McAteer (Daniel) v Association of Chartered Accountants
[2012] NIQB 33 Weatherup J
Walsh (Christopher David) and others v Bank of Scotland plc
[2012] NIQB 36 Weatherup J
Young (Roberta Ann) v Hamilton (Andrew Sydney) and others
[2012] NICh 4 Treacy J
VP plc v Megarry (Thomas) and Megarry (Joan) trading as TG Megarry
[2012] NIQB 22 Weatherup J
Practice Direction 01/2012 - Protocol on Criminal Case Management in the Magistrates' Court
Practice Direction 01/2012 - Protocol on Criminal Case Management in the Magistrates' Court Morgan LCJ
McL v McL (Valuation Hearing)
[2012] NIMaster 3 Master Bell
McKenna (Roisin) v Quinn (Aidan)
[2012] NIQB 8 Weatherup J
Johnston v NIHE
R/48/2010 (Part 1) Mr Curry
JR 66’s Application
[2012] NIQB 5 Treacy J
O’Rawe’s Application (John)
[2012] NIQB 4 Treacy J
Queen v Kevin O'Kane
[2012] NICC 7 McLaughlin J
A Police Officer’s Application (Leave Stage)
[2012] NIQB 3 McCloskey J