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298 results
Watson’s (Hubert) Application (For Leave to Appeal)
[2011] NIQB 66 Coghlin LJ
Margaret Anne McVeigh v Patrick James McAleer
[2011] NIMaster 6 Master Bell
Queen v Liam Holden (Disclosure)
[2011] NICA 35 Morgan LCJ
Cox v Clancy
BT/14/2010 (Part 3) Mr Curry
Connelly’s (James) Application
[2011] NIQB 62 Morgan LCJ
Sunday Newspapers Ltd’s Application
[2011] NIQB 136 Weatherup J
Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners v WS Atkins Consultants Ltd and Charles Brand Ltd
[2011] NIQB 74 Weatherup J
Stothers (M&E) Ltd v Leeway Stothers Ltd
[2011] NIQB 73 Weatherup J
Moffatt’s Application
[2011] NIQB 65 Treacy J
H and P (Residence application)
[2011] NIFam 16 Stephens J
John Smith (pseudonyms) (Application for bail)
[2011] NIQB 69 Stephens J
Olchov’s (Dimitris) Application
[2011] NIQB 70 Treacy J
JR 52’s Application
[2011] NIQB 64 Treacy J
Breslin (Mark Christopher) and others v McKevitt (John Michael)
[2011] NICA 33 Higgins LJ
Rutledge Recruitment and Training Ltd v DEL and DFP
[2011] NIQB 61 McCloskey J
A v A Health and Social Services Trust and E, In the Matter of M and T
[2011] NICA 32 Hart J
Queen v Wong (William)
[2011] NICC 43 His Honour Judge Burgess
Jakub and Dawid (pseudonyms) (No. 2)(Application for directions to facilitate the enforcement of a Polish court order)
[2011] NIFam 12 Stephens J