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55 results
Northern Health and Social Care Trust v CM & CL
[2011] NIFam 14 Weir J
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust v B & H
[2011] NIFam 13 Weir J
Mother of G and D v Belfast Health and Social Services Trust
[2011] NICA 55 Coghlin LJ
Queen v Grew (Aidan) and McLaughlin (Hilary Patrick) AND Queen v Mackle (Patrick) and Mackle (Plunkett) and Mackle (Benedict)
[2011] NICA 31 Girvan LJ
Queen v Smyth (Adam)
[2011] NICA 30 Morgan LCJ
Bruce’s (Laura) Application and Dogru’s (Cuneyt) Application (Leave Stage)
[2011] NIQB 60 McCloskey J
Ewing (Terence Patrick) v Times Newspapers Ltd
[2011] NIQB 63 Gillen J
First4Skills Ltd v Department for Employment and Learning
[2011] NIQB 59 McCloskey J
Personal Representative of the Estate of Samuel Stephenson, deceased v McLaughlin (Louis)
[2011] NIQB 72 Weatherup J
R v Aidan Grew and Hilary Patrick McLaughlin and R v Patrick Mackle, Plunkett Mackle and Benedict Mackle
[2011] NICA 31 Girvan LJ
Lavinmore LLP v Penfield Properties Ltd, McCartan Turkington and Breen and Derek Kane
[2011] NICh 15 Deeny J
Proceeds of Crime Agency v Hughes (Sean Gerard) and others
[2011] NIQB 71 Treacy J
Queen v Anderson (Robert John)
[2011] NICC 28 His Honour Judge Babington
Terry Rooney-Telford v New Look Retailers Limited
2011 NICA 26 Hart J
John Edward Spence and Department of Agriculture and Regional Development
[2011] NICA 27 Hart J
A and B by C (Their Mother and Next Friend) v A Health and Social Services Trust
[2011] NICA 28 Girvan LJ
Queen v Wilkinson (William)
[2011] NICA 29 Girvan LJ
Queen v Chang Hai Zhang
[2011] NICA 25 Higgins LJ